
"I am SARA S. and thus a born alliteration. After graduating as a communication designer, I studied communication science for three years. I thought I was only worth something if I also had a high degree. So for a long time I forced myself into something I didn't fit into. At that time I was depressed, unmotivated, and didn't know what to do next. Then, by chance, I met a tattoo artist who opened my eyes to why I was wasting my time doing something that didn't bring me satisfaction or joy. She saw my illustrations and taught me how to tattoo. She believed in me and somehow I found my passion again. Shortly after, I dropped out of my studies and threw myself into tattooing. It was destiny! As a Heartdirector in retirement, I've been making my living as a tattoo artist since 2019. 

With my art on skin I want to raise awareness for mental health. My designs focus on confronting depression, ADHD, (self) love, society, as well as depicting the existential difficulties of our current lives. I focus on moving, thought-provoking illustrations of mostly female-read, distorted faces that conform to the European ideal of beauty, with which I aim to show the break with societal norms and break down the stigma of mental illness. Typography is my alpha and omega and illustration is by far the best thing in my life. With the help of intravenous coffee, I also like to hit deadlines in my personal life and constantly balance being or designing on the verge of becoming a non-smoker."

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